Keeping costs down may be the toughest landscape challenge. Use our price guide as a starting point for your budget.
Estimating Costs - Trying to get yourself a bargain on the plants, soil, wood, and rocks you need to build up your outdoor living area means making sense of the huge variations in prices among sources and regions. As if that's not challenging enough, prices for many materials -- such as lumber -- fluctuate quickly and seasonally. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you shop for your yard.
Plan before you buy - Sketch your landscape design on paper before you start planting and building. Knowing exactly what you need and where you're going to put it helps avoid wasting money.
Decide how much design you want - Although it's less expensive to build a square patio or deck, it's no bargain if you find the result so unappealing that you don't use it. It may be worth it to pay a designer to create a space that you can really use.
Talk to a pro - You may not need to hire a landscape architect or designer to develop your whole project, but $50-$100 for an hour-long consultation is well worth the money if it saves you from costly mistakes later.
Buy in phases - Few people have the financial resources to landscape their property all at once. Divide your project into phases, and pay as you go with funds on hand. You'll save on loan or credit costs and be able to evaluate your progress and adjust plans before moving to the next phase.
Don't assume cheaper is always better - Economics of scale being what they are, home improvement warehouses typically offer the lowest prices for common plants and hardscaping materials, such as lumber. However, they may not have the selection and quality you find at more specialized sources. Also, a local specialty shop may provide more personal service, expert advice, and guarantees, which are all helpful if you're a novice. When installing a pond, for example, it may be worth it to pay more through a source that specializes in water gardens, particularly if the staff can help you choose and install equipment. Plant prices may be higher at specialty nurseries, but many offer money-back guarantees on trees, shrubs, and bedding plants.
Time your purchases - When you buy can be as important as where you buy. Lumber for outdoor projects is often cheaper during winter months. Save money on trees, shrubs, perennials, soil, and mulch by buying late in the season. Don't rush out to buy newly released plant varieties, which may be expensive initially because supply is low and demand is high. When production catches up in a few years, prices will likely drop.
Shop online and mail-order sources - Catalogs and web sites expand your choices, especially for rare plants and specialized products. Shopping online or by phone is convenient, and prices may be lower than in stores, but don't forget to include shipping costs when comparing prices with local sources.
Check alternate resources - Look beyond stores and catalogs for bargains. Arboretums and botanical centers often hold plant sales, and neighbors may have extra perennials to share. Some cities offer free mulch and compost, and construction and demolition sites can be sources of bricks and stones.
Be sociable - Being neighborly cuts costs. Share the rental fee for tillers, chippers, or other heavy equipment with others on the block, then take turns and save.
Tips for Reducing Wildfire Risk While Achieving Other Landscaping Goals
As people continue to move into the wildland-urban interface, firewise landscaping becomes more important for protecting homes and families from wildfires. Firewise landscaping can seem to conflict with other landscaping goals such as creating wildlife habitat or conserving water and energy, but few differences actually exist. In those instances where there are conflicting objectives, small modifications such as the following can be made.
Avoid flammable plants near your home
Firewise planting discourages planting shrubs and trees near the home; conversely, energy conservation landscaping principles recommend that trees and shrubs be placed close to the home for shading. To resolve this conflict, select shrub and tree species with low flammability. Leave 2 to 3 feet between shrub branches and your home, and trim shrubs to stay 2 feet below the windows. Trim tree branches up to 10 feet.
Well-maintained lawns have low flammability and are often used in firewise landscaping, but lawns are not recommended for creating wildlife habitat or conserving water. A compromise is to keep a well-maintained lawn in hightraffic areas around the house and plant alternative ground covers in lowtraffic areas and on the outer edges of the defensible space (defined as an area of modified vegetation extending at least 30 feet from the house in all directions). Some alternative ground covers include stones and organic mulches and plants of low flammability.
Maintain vertical separation
While firewise landscaping recommends reducing the vertical layering of vegetation, landscaping for wildlife encourages it for cover and habitat. If you live in an area at high risk of fire, you should give priority to firewise landscaping and maintain vertical separation within the defensible space. Beyond the defensible space, islands of vertically layered vegetation can be created as long as they are separated horizontally by areas cleared of dense vegetation.
Clear dead plant material and organic mulches away from the home
Removing dead plants and brush piles is recommended for firewise landscaping, but those plant materials provide excellent wildlife habitat. If the property is large enough, small isolated brush piles, snags, and other dead plant materials can remain as long as they are more than 60 feet from the home.
Firewise landscaping discourages the use of organic mulches close to the home due to their potential fire hazard; however, mulches are useful in landscaping for water conservation. To reduce potential fire risk, maintain an area 2 to 3 feet out from the home as bare ground or covered by rock or gravel. Choose organic mulches of low flammability.
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